new guys
For the folks who enjoy babykins we have for you more goatlings and more goatlings enjoying a pleasant afternoon
five month old male puppy Hutch Del Rio surveying the world on his second day at new home in southwest Florida
Belgian Tervuren dogs ! Both from Florida , 2 years apart. Great dogs ! Just a little different !
Day 1 for Lucy Del Rio, age 9 weeks
Hi, B! We made it home safe and Lucy Del Rio is doing amazing! Shadow Del Rio is being an amazing big brother!! Just wanted to drop you a line! Have a happy fourth!
Here is Whiskey Del Rio celebrating his 2 year birthday….looking like a million dollars
Tessa Del Rio and Lena Del Rio in the uplands of Georgia in the autumn … life is good
Stryker Del Rio’s day at the beauty salon
Rocky Del Rio at the beach…..but….where did beach go?
Rocky Del Rio loves hiking Mt Doug. Puts in a morning! He always keeps a watchful eye on us, as he scouts out the trails.
Bill, here’s a couple of pics of Fannie Del Rio, 2 weeks shy of her first birthday. She’s about 42 pounds and plays hard with our 95 pound and 125 pound boys. They all get along great. …..Marc & Ellen
Rocky Del Rio deals well with virus in Victoria…..July 2020
Willow Del Rio and Whiskey Del Rio making the best of summer and coping well with virus in Nova Scotia July 2020
Whiskey Del Rio … and … Willow Del Rio
I’ve been taking the puppies swimming everyday at a lovely little cove 5 minutes from here. They have become excellent swimmers and love the water. Whiskey Del Rio loves to tease Willow Del Rio. She is a patient soul most times and tolerates his silly antics. She will make an awesome mom some day. She is the sweetest little dog ever with an incredible personality. As soon as it is totally safe to do so, I’m going to have her certified as a Therapy dog so we can visit the less fortunate in homes and hospitals to bring them some comfort……….. Jane
it is Willow Del Rio and Whiskey Del Rio at the seaside enjoying the spring weather
Whiskey Del Rio and Willow Del Rio …. at play with Mom
here is Rocky Del Rio resting up after a long journey.
Rocky curled up on his Costco bed, just outside our door. Looking pretty comfy. The entranceway has an overhang, so if it rains, he stays dry.
Bill, Fannie Del Rio is doing great. Here's a couple pics from last week modeling her new harness. Hope your doing well. Marc & Ellen
Oscar Del Rio and Felix Del Rio
Oscar Del Rio
Marilyn Del Rio ….. Hercule Del Rio …… Poppy Del Rio
Hercule Del Rio
Keo Del Rio Hercule Del Rio
Poppy Del Rio
Gracie Del Rio
Keo Del Rio
Keo Del Rio
Millie Del Rio Keo Del Rio
Here is our handsome Whiskey Del Rio at 7 month of age.
Hi Bill!
Hope this little note finds you well. We are getting a lot of snow right now and the dogs are sure loving playing in it. Whiskey Del Rio is thriving and is now taller and heavier than Miss Willow Del Rio. They are such a riot to watch, so sweet together and always inseparable. Never a boring moment here in snowy Nova Scotia.
Best regards from the Del Rio’s of the north.
Ok mom, let us in now.
Rocky Del Rio is getting ready for New Year 2020 in south Florida….he reports that Life Is Good.
Tessa Del Rio has been great with Lena Del Rio, such close buddies and are usually attached at the hip. Tess has been a good “mommy” while Lena was down, very concerned. She has grown to be such a beautiful girl, fast as a Greyhound and runs miles around the big yard every day. Both girls are big and strong, protective and yet are very sweet with children and other animals when we have them out in social scenarios. We try and get them out as often as possible, they socialize well...good girls. People always come up to ask about them, not sure what breed they are. Comment on their beauty and demeanor, and the girls always accept the attention! We thank you daily for the girls, they are great for us and for each other.
Willow Del Rio……Did you ever think this little Florida girl would become a sled dog? Started training her today and she’s a natural.
Bill, here is a recent picture of Fannie Rae Del Rio. She goes in for her final shots this week. She really wants to play with the boys and she is only about 20 pounds so we’re going to wait until she is around 30 so she can hold her own. We’ve been training her some and she’s a real quick learner: she’s got sit, down, leave it and stay mastered. We’ll eventually teach her heel. She’s a wonderful addition and our 95 pound Charlie & 125 pound Atticus don’t know she’s going to be the boss; she has alot of confidence. We hope you have a very happy holiday season and thanks again for our beautiful little girl. Marc & Ellen
Willow Del Rio … and … Whiskey Del Rio
Willow Del Rio and Whiskey Del Rio
Wishing you a Christmas filled with peace, love and joy and a happy, healthy new year.
Hope this note finds you well. Just wanted to send you an update and picture of my beautiful puppies. Miss Willow is now 19 months old and a little sweetheart and Whiskey 4 months old and growing like a weed. He has more than doubled his weight and is flourishing. They are the best of friends and it’s so fun to watch them playing and running together. Autumn is so pretty here and it has cooled off considerably now with the leaves starting to change colours. Hard to believe we are already in October. I hope all is well with you and your puppies. Take care for now , Jane
These two just love one another!! Shelly is acting like a mother over our little one. We named our new addition “Asia Del Rio”. She’s a very happy puppy.
Both are asleep right now because they play all day! Potty training is getting better. We keep both dogs inside, especially at night. Asia had to get used to our other huge crate for potty training. Now she wakes us up when she has to go outside. Thank you so much for her, just a huge joy for Shelly!
Willow Del Rio Whiskey Del Rio
Hi Bill
I am closely tracking Hurricane Dorian as it batters the Bahamas. I hope it will change course and move out to sea and you will all be spared. Stay safe and please keep me updated after the storm has passed.
Willow is loving having Whiskey as her new playmate. They are constantly playing, wrestling, running and cuddling too. Whiskey is stretching and getting stronger everyday. He is a feisty little guy with attitude and we just love him. Sending you a few pics.
Best of luck
Lena Del Rio Tess Del Rio
Good morning Bill, been a lot of activity down here with the hurricane situation. Still hoping it will continue on projected path and keep offshore...but it’s path has changed so much every single day. > > Anyway, while the weather still good, we’re having some laughs with these nutty mutts ! Tessa and Lena have a new larger pool to splash around, they love it as you will see in video. Lena is stretching, those legs getting longer and putting some weight on, think that she will be a good size match for Tess. They run so much, burn everything off quickly. Those two love eachother (Bella too)and Lena is such a good girl...what a great additional to the pack ! > > Got to go do more prep, just in case this storm decides to make a big mess here. I’ll send updates > > Be well > > Ernie
Good evening Bill!
Stryker Del Rio is just as amazing as Dixie Del Rio was. We thank you so much for this lil’ bundle of fluff! We flew back to Minnesota a couple days after we picked her up. She was great on the flight home back to Minnesota. When we woke up the next morning it was 59 degrees. When we left your place it was 110 heat index. Quite a temp change for her but it didn’t bother her a bit!
Rocky Del Rio
Keeping a close eye on the grandkids playing in the shade at low tide.
Good morning Bill
Just a quick note to let you know that Whiskey Del Rio is settling in quite nicely. He is such a sweetheart and what a personality! He and Willow Del Rio have bonded very quickly and are inseparable. My husband now has 2 lap dogs. Will keep you updated.
Good evening Bill
We are home safe and sound after a long day of travel. Whiskey Del Rio was a superstar on the plane and slept the whole way. Everyone commented on what a good boy he was
Here is the handsome boy waiting to board the plane.
Lena Del Rio and Mom
Lena Del Rio and Tess Del Rio
Lena Del Rio did real well on her first day, a little restless overnight...snoozing now. She and Tessa are going to be great buddies, already playing tug with rope toys and acting like nuts. That will take some of the pressure off of Bella, the old girl just can’t keep up anymore. Thanks very much again Bill, we’ll send updates as Lena grows E and B
Rocky Del Rio……Sunset walk on the beach every evening. Life is good! Sea fog rolling in here this morning with a coolness attached. Rocky turned 3 on July 4! He’s like a Ferrarai compared to all the other dogs around here, who are Volkswagen’s!
Willow Del Rio and Daddy
Willow Del Rio at the beach
Good morning Bill
Hope this note finds you in good health. All is well in beautiful Nova Scotia. Miss Willow is happy and healthy and a ray of sunshine in our lives. She loves to cuddle. Her morning ritual is to jump up on my husband and snuggle right in. She thinks she’s a lap dog, I swear.
Solo Del Rio looking very humanly at us….in her black ascot and black and white boots
Brandy Willow Del Rio (1 year old)
Khloe Del Rio
Sheba Del Rio Khloe Del Rio
Willow Del Rio is ready for spring!
Danny Del Rio
Danny Del Rio
Danny loves that worn out old man as much as life itself.
Good morning Bill
Hope this Sunday morning finds you well. We woke up this morning to almost a foot of fresh fallen snow. Some of us like it more than others. Miss Willow has been out frolicking in the snow and thoroughly enjoys it although I am tired of shovelling it.
She is doing well and is an absolute joy. She is an active, intelligent and beautiful puppy who makes me smile everyday. I am hoping to train her to be a therapy dog as she loves people and I know she would bring joy to so many others. When I take her into the Veterans Unit at the hospital, she is the star of the show.
I am still looking for a suitable male for her for a playmate and for future breeding, preferably a mahogany colour. Please let me know if you have anything available in the near future.
Have a wonderful day,
Brinkley Del Rio (female 3 years old) Stifler Del Rio (male 1 year old)
Poppy Del Rio studies new puppy
Rocky Del Rio and Ziggy Del Rio holding hands
Andre Del Rio
Marilyn Del Rio Joanie Del Rio Millie Del Rio
Millie Del Rio Marilyn Del Rio
Poppy Del Rio
Albert Del Rio
Marilyn Del Rio
Poppy Del Rio
Good morning Bill,
I hope this note finds you all well in sunny Florida. We are also enjoying a very sunny but crisp day today as we celebrate Willow’s 9 month birthday. She is doing very well and is a happy, active girl. Did I mention that she is also very intelligent and more beautiful everyday? ?
I am sending you several pictures of her in the new snow and playing with her stick. She loves sticks, that girl. I soon have to get another puppy so she will have someone to play with. Brandy is growing old and does not want to participate in Willow’s shenanigans.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Hi Bill! I hope you and your pets made it through the storm. I just wanted to send you a note and let you know the black Terv you sold me is doing wonderfully. He is a little shorter in stature than out other Terv, but he weighs more. They are such amazing animals. I thank you for continuing to breed these beautiful dogs. Here is a photo of Quincey Del Rio(tan) and Tucker Del Rio(black). They are the best of friends. It’s so hot down here in Southwest Florida that we have to get Quincey cut about three times a year so he doesn’t overheat.
Good day Bill
Hope you are all well and things have settled down after that horrific hurricane hit you. Just a few pics of Miss Willow as she turns 8 months old. Healthy, happy and full of energy. She keeps us on our toes.
Take care,
Good morning Bill!
Greetings from Canada! Hope this note find you well. Here we are, already in September. Where has the time gone? Willow Del Rio is growing fast and is a beautiful intelligent girl and we are truly enjoying her. Sending you a picture of my 2 silver girls, Bailey and Willow at 6 months of age taken this morning.
Take care
Rocky Del Rio………….I opened the front door of the house and Rocky quickly went around the corner…..here is where I found him! (Mo was organizing the garage and had left the hatch of the SUV open….)
Stryker Del Rio 7 months of age
Stryker Del Rio is checking in and says hello to everybody.
Good morning Bill
Hope this note finds you all well. We are having a hot and humid summer here in Nova Scotia this year; Florida weather for sure. Willow Del Rio is doing well and loves to swim, play and has a ravenous appetite. She is a happy and energetic girl and I swear her legs get longer every day. Her colours are changing more and more and at almost 5 months, she is already gorgeous.
Wishing you a wonderful day,
Hi Bill,
Stifler Del Rio
I have never seen such rapid growth as with Stifler Del Rio. I assume it is the increased calcium from the soft bones all my dogs now get after our conversation about that. I am still afraid to give him hard bones. Don’t know his present weight. Was wondering if you knew the weights of his parents? ….Every nite I look at Brinkley and Stifler sleeping together and think to myself “How did I get so lucky ? “
Hi Bill,
Every evening we walk to the Oak Bay Marina, watch the geese with their goslings and look for the local seals in the bay.
Rocky Del Rio turned 2 years old last week and is enjoying life in Victoria.
Red dot on his chest is his night safety light so he can be more visible as darkness approaches. He’s a very handsome guy, and people are constantly telling him so!
Stifler Del Rio
Since my recent note: pup’s legs seem to grow longer and thicker everyday. … Before meeting you my other tervs were males. I had forgotten what the males were like. Stifler Del Rio, like the others have BIG personalities. He is like a 3-ring circus. He makes me actually laugh out loud everyday. ……………………………………. I got him a kiddie pool. After a run with Brinkley Del Rio he lays in the water and splashes around to cool down. I didn’t understand why he then always starts furiously digging into the water until taking a closer look. He is trying catch the fish and turtle pictures on the pool bottom ! ……………………………………Appetite is insatiable but he doesn’t possess an ounce of fat. Although Stifler and Brinkley are usually joined at the hip, he also enjoys playing with my husky. He is very difficult to photograph for the reasons you know well but I will eventually get it done and send them along. Needless to say, I am over the moon with my little guy! Another Del Rio pup thriving in north GA. I can’t thank you enough. Marc
Good morning Bill!
Hope life is treating you well. Just wanted to give up you an update on our beautiful Willow Del Rio. She is growing like a weed and is a happy, active girl. She makes me smile every day. I put the kiddy pool out to see what she would do and she had a spree. Check it out on YouTube.
Stryker Del Rio is doing great — we keep him very active and he runs with our German Shepherds alot so he uses up energy.
He is eating mostly chicken — loves rotisserie chicken A LOT. We are adding some rice to the chicken. I have also been giving him turkey and some ground beef.
He enjoys carrots as a treat — especially cold since he is teething and he likes cantaloupe.
He also gets some yogurt for a little extra calcium in addition to cheese. He likes cheese. For training he also gets some chicken, duck and liver jerky.
Our family eats pasta frequently and we have added some macaroni and cheese to his chicken and some ziti noodles.
Also sweet potato which we cook for the sugar gliders.
In between meals he does eat some Earthborn kibble (which my other dogs eat)because he finds some kibble they have left on the floor, but it is not his main meal.
Good morning Bill
How are you doing? Hope all is well with you and your critters. Miss Willow Del Rio is doing well and growing like a weed. Can you believe she is already 12 weeks old? She weighs almost 15 lbs now and has a good appetite. She absolutely devours deer meat. I also buy these knuckle bones that we call tartar busters and she just loves to chew on them. She is an active, happy and very smart little girl and a joy to have around. The big girls are getting used to having a little sister although sometimes they find her annoying. All in all, they are all adjusting well.
She got all her vaccinations again this week along with her Lyme vaccine so now she is up to date on all her shots. She was a huge hit at the clinic where everyone absolutely fell in love with her. The vet said she has a great personality.
Took a few pics to show you how she is growing. I just finished brushing her which was challenging but it’ll get better with time
Brinkley Del Rio Stifler Del Rio
Brinkley wagging her tail for first time today and has turned the corner. Have named the pup Stifler Del Rio. His fun loving euphoria parallels the same as movie protagonist Steven Stifler from American Pie.
Hello Bill, wanted to give an update on Tess with photos. First day exploring the smaller pen with “doggy door” access into the house. We are getting the flea infestation under control, she’s much more comfortable now and doing well. The drive home was a little stressful for her, but once here she was great new surroundings and new people. Beth’s daughter came over with her two young boys (2 & 4yrs old),Tess was chasing them around the property and was not frightened at all. She also met some friends and was so calm and good. We had given her a bath to start the flea eradication process, we’ve knocked them down to unnoticeable, but start ADVANTAGE later today. A little crate training to keep her from chewing on any of the antique furniture, gets a little whiny twice a night. She’s going to be fine. As you can see, she and Bella have taken to each other, very sweet to see. Included a couple photos of her in yard today, had a break between downpours. She is a little beauty, amazing personality...and brave. One good little girl ! Thank you again, Ernie and Beth
Willow Del Rio…..sleeping on Dad’s comfy warm shirt
Good morning Bill
Hope this note finds you well. I wanted to let you know how little Willow Del Rio is doing. To use a Nova Scotia expression that says it all, she fits right in like a pocket on a shirt.
She is a lovely, intelligent and an extremely sweet girl. We are thoroughly enjoying her and I have fallen in love with her. My husband says I should have brought 2 home as he wants another red one.
The dogs have decided after a week to finally accept her but we still keep a very watchful eye when they are together. She is eating well, is fed 4 times a day and has a very good appetite. I am feeding her chicken, a little ground deer meat, rice and sweet potatoes. She also gets a spoonful of yogourt every day and loves it. She sleeps through the night like a good girl and is happy and playful throughout the day following Bailey everywhere. She makes me smile.
I will start the second round of deworming tomorrow and she will get the Lyme vaccine beginning of June. I will keep you updated on her progress.
Have a wonderful day.
Stryker Del Rio…..Celebrating our dog trainer’s birthday. 15.5 weeks 16 pounds.
Willow Del Rio….age 9 weeks…on her trip home to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
After 2 flights we are finally here safe and sound. Willow Del Rio is an absolute sweetheart. She slept snuggled up to me all night until we got up at 4 am. She was so still I had to touch her a couple of times to make sure she was still alive.
She nibbled a little bit of chicken this morning and drank a little water. She was a HUGE hit everywhere we went. She was constantly surrounded by people and she loved every minute of it. What a heartbreaker! She slept like an angel through both flights and as soon as I got her home, I pulled out some good home cooked food and she gobbled it down. The vet said the Advantage Flea treatment wouldn’t hurt her, that it was probably all the changes and the travel that was upsetting her.
As you can see. She is quite content now.
Willow at the airport. What a movie star!
Rocky Del Rio mountain climbing…
Rocky Del Rio babysitting….
Happy Easter from Luka Del Rio and Abbagail Del Rio!
Hope you and your dogs and goats are all doing well! Loving this lovely spring weather!
K meets her new puppy for the first time!
Rocky Del Rio’s new footwear, for hardwood floors, so he doesn’t slip slide away. Work great!
Rocky Del Rio has his bag packed and he’s leaving the summer heat of south Florida to go live in the far cool northwest at the summer house…wander in the forest and watch the deer in the cool evening air for a few months
Rocky Del Rio…..lounging by the pool…nice work if you can get it…resting after a full day of giving handsome lessons….some guys have all the luck
its Solo Del Rio! she is 4 months old and she is lovely
majestic Rocky Del Rio by the majestic old oak tree
we have 3 new puppies born Jan 25…see puppy page
Rocky Del Rio guarding the new pool cover!
Merry Christmas from Luka Del Rio and Abbagail Del Rio!
Luka Del Rio Abbagail Del Rio
Atanas Del Rio and best friend
Good evening Mr. Bill. We wanted to contact you and give you an update on our little man! Well, he isn't so little anymore! Atanas Del Rio recently had his 1st birthday on November 7th. He is still our oldest sons sleeping pal. It is amazing how intelligent he is. Almost as if he knows what we are thinking before we even think it! Lol. Atanas is also very protective over Angel and our children. He has really started to come into his self here lately. So, from our family to yours, thank you very much for our wonderful addition to our family. And Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays! We’ve had our first snow of the season and I wanted to share a few pics! I’m sure I’ll have more to send over later too! Enjoy! Dogs are great! Sheba has really grown up and her and Khloe are such pleasures!! Hope all is well!!
Rocky Del Rio taking our 2 1/2 year old grand daughter Kyla for a walk last week.
Luka Del Rio Abbagail Del Rio
Rocky Del Rio
He is such a good doggie. So smart and handsome and loyal! And so photogenic! …its Rocky Del Rio!
Rocky is a big hit with Kyla (2 1/2 years old)….constantly licking her…… I have her help me teach Rocky to fetch the ball and bring it back every morning before it gets too hot out…….she always holds the treats………it’s so cute…… she can hardly hold her hand flat for the treat to sit on…..it’s like a mini balancing act…
She insists on holding the leash when we take Rocky for walks. She walks so slow that Rocky has to pull her along….. he’s never rough or has never pulled her over……he’d lick her to death if I let him!
Rocky still get compliments everyday on our walks!
I took him to the dog park the other morning…….. he checked out the other doggies while I sat at the picnic table with a few of the other dog owners……Rocky would always come running back to me to check that I was still there!!
He keeps a close eye on me! He’s so good!
As of a few days ago Brinkley is running alone full throttle for sheer joy of running. My other tervs did this but because they were adopted at about 2-3 years I never saw this develop. I was assuming she was just different about her lesser need to run. She looks more mature each day. From 3 weeks ago her puppy look gave way to young adult now. So elegant and angelic. She has chewed up my mattress and every pillow that I forget to move out of reach. Also in past week she comes into my bedroom twice and cried. When I got up she led me to her other sleeping area near kitchen where teapot was whistling that I couldnt hear. Could still be a coincidence or could be her warning me of the noise/something wrong. Time will tell but interesting in the meantime. …… marc
Danny Del Rio Rocky Del Rio
taking a break….Danny Del Rio, Rocky Del Rio, Ziggy Del Rio, Nicky Del Rio
Brinkley Del Rio….now 1 year old and seeing the autumn leaves for the first time…a very bright and affectionate and lovely girl puppy
Rocky Del Rio
Rocky Del Rio checks out the toy bin from his comfy new bed! …..life is good
Just wanted to tell you what a great dog Rocky is. He’s so loyal, and smart, and loves my homemade liver treats! (reminds me, i need to go buy some more liver!)
I take him off leash in the backyard and next-door vacant lot, and throw the tennis ball. He’s keen to fetch and retrieve for a liver treat….. and boy is he quick!!
I’ve taught him to sit and stay, and come running to me when I call…. I do a little bit everyday, and he always has a big smile on his face! He’s so happy!
He’s resting under the kitchen table right now, chewing on a bully stick……special ordered online from Costco, as they were out of stock in the store.
He had a big chicken supper, then walk to Pier 81….. I think he’s just as tired as I am!! We’re up walking again @ 7:00 a.m.
here are some of my guys
Joanie Del Rio………….Joanie Del Rio enjoys her favorite resting place on top of the old bath tub…a very calm and sweet and elegant girl, low key but bright and alert and mature in behavior.
Biddie Del Rio……Biddie is all-around wonderful…gracious, gentle, clever, good-natured
Its Danny Del Rio! Who wouldn’t recognize Danny with his movie star good looks and his magnificent and affectionate personality….Danny merits his own fan club and cadre of paparazzi!
Danny Del Rio……ready for his close-up Mr. DeMille
Judy Del Rio…..Judy is a little shy…coat like brushed velvet and silk…full of play and energy
Nicky Del Rio…..Nicky is our best kept secret…sort of a cross between Marlon Brando and Robert Mitchum in 1952…this fellow can stop traffic with a glance
Luka Del Rio and Abbagail Del Rio finding shelter from Hurricane Irma in the mountains
Lara with Sheba Del Rio
Khloe Del Rio Sheba Del Rio
Hurricane Irma is one day away. We all hope everybody stays safe.
Rocky Del Rio
Rocky Del Rio is a little over one year old and starting to develop his full adult appearance. He is a magnificent yearling dog, tall, elegant, and a joy to be near. He seems to have springs in his legs and he floats over the ground when he gallops. He’s a sight to see. Extremely gregarious and people oriented, very good natured and affectionate. If he has any fault its that he still wants to climb into my lap and cuddle like he did when he was 3 months old…he’s getting too big for that now!
Its a good thing he belongs to my sister so I get to see him now and then. B
Abbagail Del Rio Luka Del Rio
the feisty gang
Emmett Del Rio
Hi Bill,
Just wanted to say hi and show you how the old man is doing. He is still my main man ! Very nice dog ! He has a few issues, like thunder storms, and being left alone, but basically a great dog ! He turned 8 this year. Doesn’t seem like it has been that long. Still have Marco Del Rio too she is one of those dogs that if she could talk she would say “what ever ” she takes everything in stride . Love them both! Hope you are doing well .
all enjoying the blessings of liberty! …..and keeping cool
Jagr Del Rio…. is enjoying the comforts of maturity in his 8th year…wonderfully cared for by Daria.
Atanas Del Rio and Soma Del Rio
Good morning Mr. Bill, this is Ronnie B. writing you to give an update on Atanas Del Rio. We have recently visited NC and we’re able to introduce him to Soma Del Rio. The two of them hit it off immediately!! It was a great site to see!! I thought you would like to see them together.
Its Red Del Rio….she is enjoying the first day without rain since last month…some Tervs are very partial to water in all forms but Red likes to be warm and dry so she stays inside during the downpours.
I may have previously mentioned one of Brinkley Del Rio’s past times of digging and pulling out tree roots when her playmate is napping. Hence, the dirt on her nose in both pics. Very cute. In keeping with her heritage as a proper southern woman, she will not drink if there is one speck of dirt in her water bowl. We all know how dogs will be lying down, get up, move to another spot to lay down again. Brinkley’s version of this: She will be lying down with me with her head on my shoulder. She will get up, walk around to my other side just to lay down again and put her head on my other shoulder ! Quite funny. Last funny habit: If I am playing with Brinkley alone, and my other dog walks over to join in, she gets so excited she jumps straight up and down as if on a pogo stick. So funny. Marc
beautiful Brinkley Del Rio is now 8 months old!
everybody relaxing in the hammock
Sheba Del Rio Khloe Del Rio
Khloe Del Rio and Sheba Del Rio keeping cool
Hello Bill
Happy Spring! I cannot explain how much our pups have enjoyed lounging around outside enjoying the mild heat and soaking up nature! Khloé has taught Sheba to be well mannered and both are doing exceptionally well! Sheba at just over 6 months old is HUGE! She carries a lot more muscular weight than Khloé does or did at this age! I call her my “Big Black Bear!” Her personality is something else too–smart as a whip and likes to please! Her herding instincts when playing ball are beyond impressive. Sheba is the 1st dog yet to keep up with Khloés endurance & speed! They’ll be unstoppable once she’s fully grown! And both so beautiful!!
She is mostly house trained with some accidents if we get too busy to notice her asking to go out. She seems to understand that it’s not acceptable so we don’t get onto her too much about it. She really seems to enjoy water as much as Khloé and as you can see in a few pics has made herself queen of the sprinkler!! We are excited to take her to the beach in the next few weeks when we visit family for Memorial Day. If time permits we’d like to swing by and say hello! We enjoy seeing you and the animals… the kids really enjoyed visiting too!
All is well and we just wanted to say hello! I have set up a FB page to document Khloé & Sheba’s Tervuren Adventures… if anyone with one of your pups is interested in keeping touch the name to search is “Khloé & Sheba – Prayer Dogs” I look forward to seeing you again soon and hope you enjoy the pictures.
God Bless!
Danny Del Rio
Nicky Del Rio
doggie summer cottage in three sections with swamp cooler, modern bathtub, and ecofriendly tomato garden on the roof….Judy Del Rio and Johnny Del Rio
doggies in the doggie cottage…Ziggy Del Rio, Rosie Del Rio, and Biddie Del Rio
Brinkley Del Rio is now 6 months old.
Brinkley Del Rio recently completed her third total coloring change since bringing her home. She is now stunning. I assume this is her last change. Going back in time, she was perfect in the very long car ride home. Entire ride home was in the pelting rain with tornado warnings. She lay cuddled up with her stuffed animal like a darling little princess never making a sound and no accidents or car sickness. Upon arriving home her husky big brother play bowed many many times the first 2 days and I did not believe she understood the meaning of it. After 2 days it was obvious she understood. She trusted him unconditionally. She put her little head inside his jaws to steal his toy. She eats out of his food dish with him. She hurls herself at him jumping on his back. My husky has always been the picture of tolerance, adores her and both delight in tug of war. After the third day in her new home she did not pp in the house again. I believe this was due to modeling her big brother. She required longer to achieve control over her bladder but she has been been good for a while now. It is my understanding pups can’t control their bladders until the 4th month. Brinkley sleeps cuddled up to me with her head on me. Upon awakening she takes a happy pill and is happy and upbeat the whole day. When I sit at my desk she jumps into my lap. She never barks but growls and bares her little baby teeth during her wrestling matches with her big brother. This is very funny to watch. She has discovered the joy of digging at tree roots and her nose is always covered in Georgia red clay and is adorable. One corner of my back deck is about 2.5 feet high. I built her a ramp there and within an hour she was up and down on it as if using it all her life. . Brinkley is anxious in the car unless in the front seat and better yet in my lap. She loves meeting new dogs at the vets office. People there continue to be stupefied and comment on her elegant appearance. She remains joined at the hip of her big brother. This is a reason it is so difficult to photograph her. I would include them both but she is always partially blocked out by him. She enjoys every fruit and vegetable I offer her. I cook her beef or liver for all meals with brussel sprouts usually mixed in for the antioxidants and other vitamins. I also add good olive oil for the omega 3. At night we have a ritual of eating wild blueberries that she is especially fond of. More antioxidants and vitamins. I guess she is just a georgeous health nut. Thank you again for this wonderful puppy and I look forward to another one. Wishing you and your animals all good things. Marc
Hi Bill,
Khloé Del Rio continues to be our amazing “prayer dog” and loving blessing! She amazes me every day in how much she loves, learns, and gives back to us! We love her so much and wish her a very happy 4th Birthday! I cannot believe it’s been 4 years! We’ve loved every second of our time with her and look forward to so many many more adventures!! Thank you again!!
With love,
Abbagail Del Rio Luka Del Rio
Luka Del Rio and Abby Del Rio are doing well! We are hoping to get away for a camping trip soon. We need a little time to relax and recharge for sure!
Here is a recent photo of Luka and Abby after we finished playing in the backyard. The neighbor’s dog wears them out; she runs and they chase! Darn Luka has his eyes closed again in this photo! Miss Abby just smiles for the camera! She loves to be in photos!
Hope all is well in the north with you, your dogs, and your goats!
Until next time! Take care,
Wendy, Luka and Miss Abbagail
Ziggy Del Rio and Judy Del Rio
Khloé Del Rio and Sheba Del Rio are doing spectacular. Shebas vet checks have had her weighing in from 5lbs when we got her at 8 weeks to a wonderfully strong 24lbs at 17 weeks!! She’s developing in both temperament and beauty! Khloé and her are best pals — lots of activity always!!
We’re excited to do some traveling this summer and expose Sheba to new fun stuff that Khloé also already loves–like the BEACH!! We’re going to upgrade the car to a minivan to supply ample room to all the growing bodies!! Haha We took the girls up to Gatlinburg TN for a day and Sheba loved all the attention so much she passed out on the street for a little snooze! I guess she has a good example to learn from with Khloé being so well behaved.
Brinkley Del Rio draws attention when I take her out chiefly because no one I know is familiar with breed. Then she disarms them with personality. Some great breeds just don’t get into the public’s consciouness.
Rocky Del Rio watching tennis
Hey Bill just wanted to send a couple of pictures of Soma Del Rio….P.S. and yes Ronnie’s boy puppy is beautiful I can’t wait to get my hands on him I think they will be a good coupling we will see have a great spring my friend take care Sherri on N.C
Brinkley Del Rio 13 weeks old….at her new home…thriving beautifully.
Rocky Del Rio dockside Marco Island FL…..January 2017 age 8 months
can you find the hidden tervuren? Rocky Del Rio
This is Rocky Del Rio age 7 months at Christmas 2016 on Marco Island FL.
This is Brinkley Del Rio at 9 weeks of age….she just went to her new home in February. She is an absolute charmer, full of personality and affection.
This is Jimmy Del Rio. This photo is from November 2016 at age 7 months. He is a yearling now and a fine big bold beautiful tervuren male. He is here in Florida with us.
This is Red Del Rio. She is with us here enjoying life in north Florida. We are hoping for a litter from her when she is ready. Lovely girl.
This is Budulay Del Rio….very handsome tervuren doggie. He is here to help us introduce this new website. We haven’t heard from him for 5 years.