We took the dogs to a nearby state park to escape the fireworks as Luka Del Rio has never been a fan of booms and bangs! It was his fifth birthday and we kept the celebration low key. He got his steak after we returned home! Where have these five years gone? Seems like only yesterday we were bringing him home!! BTW, he seems to have recovered from his injuries, or whatever it was that was bothering him, and is doing fine. He still manages to hurt himself somehow when he goes full throttle playing, and then we have to take a rest day or two, so he can recover.
Abbagail Del Rio is doing great, even though she can be the little crazy one! She can jump like a kangaroo, straight up in the air, when she gets excited! Amazingly though, when it comes to fireworks and thunderstorms, she is the calm one of the two. She actually slept through most of the noise that we could hear from the campground! I guess she was so tired from hiking and playing that her beauty sleep was much more important than staying up all night worrying about some crazy noise!
The heat and the mosquitoes were awful for camping, but we enjoyed getting away for a few days just the same. I am sending a couple of photos of our weekend. One is of the two dogs guarding our campsite from the rabbits that seem to wander the campground. The other one is of them playing at the campsite.
Hope all is well with you and your animals!
Wendy, Luka and Miss Abbagail